As 2018 was winding down, Iowa State University Extension specialists were gearing up, publishing eight pest management guides for the 2019 growing season. Several of these guides are downloadable, for free, from the ISU Extension Store.
The materials can help you establish a balanced integrated pest management strategy for all your weed, insect and disease pests. The guides include the following:
• Iowa Crop Performance Tests – Corn 2018 (CROP 3148) by Jim Rouse. The Iowa Crop Performance Tests for corn is conducted each year to help farmers select the best hybrids for their production conditions. All six corn districts are now conveniently combined into one publication.
• Iowa Crop Performance Tests – Soybean 2018 (CROP 3149) by Jim Rouse. The Iowa Crop Performance Tests for soybean is conducted each year to help farmers select the best varieties for their production conditions.
• 2018 Yellow Book for Soybean Aphid (CROP 3155) by Erin Hodgson. This publication provides soybean aphid treatment recommendations and application rates, based on research conducted at two northern Iowa research farms in 2018. In addition to treatment techniques, the publication also contains information about the soybean aphid life cycle, scouting advice and a statewide summary for 2018.
• Green Gram and Black Gram: Small-grain Legume Crops for the Midwestern United States (CROP 3156) by Arti Singh, Kulbir Sandhu, Matt Carroll and Kyle Parmley. Introducing new specialty crops that complement corn, soybean and cover crops can help improve soil health and provide enhanced long-term productivity and profitability. Green gram and black gram are examples of these specialty crops that are being tested at Iowa State University. This publication provides information on the crop themselves, as well as current Iowa State research.
• Soybean Gall Midge: A new field crop pest (CROP 3157) by Erin Hodgson. Soybean gall midge is a relatively new pest that was first noticed in the Midwest in 2011, and can now be found in parts of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota. This publication discusses the characteristics of soybean gall midge, how to spot the pest in soybean fields and how they can be managed.
• Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2019 (FG 0600). This annual guide is a summary of suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control and disease control measures for commercial growers. The recommendations are for commercial vegetable growers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and Ohio.
• Evaluation of Soybean Varieties Resistant to Soybean Cyst Nematode in Iowa — 2018 (IPM 0052) by Greg Tylka, Gregory Gebhart, Christopher Marett and Mark Mullaney. Use of resistant soybean varieties is a very effective strategy for managing soybean cyst nematode. Numerous SCN-resistant soybean varieties are available for Iowa soybean growers. This report provides details by Iowa State University personnel who evaluate varieties each year.
• 2019 Herbicide Guide for Iowa Corn and Soybean Production (WC 0094) by Bob Hartzler. This publication provides information on product and management updates, the role of preemergence herbicides in glyphosate resistant crops, corn and soybean herbicide effectiveness ratings, herbicide package mixes, and herbicide site of action and injury symptoms.
Buy in bulk
Need some materials for your winter in-service or presentations? Want to make sure your staff has the most up-to-date information at the palms of their hands? With four ISU Extension publications now offered at substantial savings in bulk quantities, you can be sure that everyone is armed and ready to counter next year’s insects, diseases and weeds.
• Soybean Diseases, a recently updated, 40-page compendium on the vast array of diseases that impacts soybeans, depicting foliar and below-soil symptoms, scouting tips, and disease treatments and prevention across the Midwest. The guide has in full color, high-resolution images. Also included are illustrated disease cycles for many diseases, a foliar disease estimation chart, and soybean growth and development and staging information. This guide, available as single copies for $5 each, but can be ordered in boxed quantities of 50 for a reduced price of $3.50 per publication.
• Corn Diseases, a recently updated, 48-page compendium on the vast array of diseases that impacts corn, depicting foliar and below-soil symptoms, scouting tips, and disease treatments and prevention across the Midwest. Guide has in full-color, high-resolution images. Also included are illustrated disease cycles for many diseases, a foliar disease estimation chart, and soybean growth and development and staging information. This guide, available as single copies for $5 each, can be ordered in boxed quantities of 50 for a reduced price of $3.50 per publication.
• The Corn and Soybean Field Guide is a palm-sized compendium for quick reference, perfect for crop scouts. Complete with 375 pictures, illustrations, diagrams and tables, and printed on sturdy card stock so it’s able to weather the conditions you. Normally $15 for a single copy. However, if you purchase a bundle of 25, you only pay $10 per copy.
• The Weed Identification Field Guide, Second Edition, much like the Corn and Soybean Field Guide, also is a palm-sized compendium for quick reference, perfect for crop scouts. Complete with 250 high-quality pictures and printed on sturdy card stock. Palmer amaranth information was added to the 108-page field guide, and information on herbicide resistance and management was updated from the first edition. Normally $10 per hard copy, this is priced less than $8.
Source: Iowa State University, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.