
FSA Offers Joint Financing Option on Direct Farm Ownership Loans

The USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Direct Farm Ownership loans are a resource to help farmers and ranchers become owner-operators of family farms, improve and expand current operations, increase agricultural productivity, and assist with land tenure to save farmland for future generations. Depending on the applicant’s needs…

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Financing, News

No end in sight for dairy farmer struggling with loan issue

Original Article: The impact of the government shutdown is real for Reynoldsville, Pa., dairy farmer Bill Smith. He was having problems with his local USDA Farm Service Agency long before the shutdown, but his situation has gotten worse…

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Ag Interest Rate Snapshot

Farm Credit Rates 6/26/2020 | 7:36 AM CDT DTN Ag Interest Rate Snapshot TODAY – LAST YEAR as of: 6/26/20 6/26/19 BENCHMARKS Prime Rate 3.25 5.50 30-Day Libor 0.18 2.40 1-Year Libor 0.57 2.15 10-Yr. Treasury 0.66 2.01 CCC Loan Rate 1.125 3.375 Real Estate…

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Crop Production, Financing, News, Real Estate Market

Helping beginning farmers find land Farmland Access Bootcamp will be Feb. 9 in central Iowa

Original Article Here: Finding land to farm can be an enormous stumbling block for new farmers. But you can get a leg up on your search by attending a one-day course. Part of a multiyear project led by Minnesota-based Renewing the Countryside…

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